Associate in Arts

Human Services Concentration

A student who is interested in transferring into a four-year undergraduate program in the area of human services can take the first two years of study at Cape Cod Community College.

Students who are matriculated and place into developmental math and/or English are required to begin the course sequence in the first semester. Please see an advisor with questions.

In addition to classroom instruction, this program has a minimum of at least one required practicum component, depending on the student’s academic and occupational goals. All practicum classes require students to complete, during a semester, 100 hours of unpaid, field work in an approved Human Service site, with a partnering agency. By the end of the completion of the program students will have developed a transferrable portfolio of coursework and practicum experiences.

The Human Services Program is taught by faculty instructors who are currently practicing clinicians in a number of human service organizations throughout the Cape Cod area. The faculty instructors are dedicated to helping students achieve their goals to complete the program to either transfer their associate degrees to a baccalaureate (4 year) institution or to help develop the necessary skill sets to work in entry level positions in the human service field.

Learn more about the program and apply at Associate in Arts - Human Services

Second Semester

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Third Semester

Item #
Humanities & Fine Arts  +
Sub-Total Credits

Fourth Semester

Item #
Humanities & Fine Arts  +
Elective  +
Elective (if needed)  +
1 - 3
Sub-Total Credits
Total Credits
Transfer Information

Transfer Agreements:
Human Services

Career Outlook

This course of study provides the basic curriculum for pursuing a major in the human services and related areas which include social work, counseling and other careers in public and private human service agencies.

This occupational profile is provided by O*NET.

See also: What can I do with this major?

Note: The Associate in Arts degree does not indicate a specialized degree in a concentration. Students who complete this concentration will satisfy the requirements of MassTransfer. For additional information pertaining to degree requirements, please refer to Degree Requirements.

Community Support Skill Standards

The Human Services Certificate Program embraces the Community Support Skill Standards (CSSS), which are the core skills defined by direct support professionals. The classes in the certificate program promote the CSSS and the required service learning helps the student reflect on how these skills are utilized in the field. The ethical guidelines students will adhere to are established by the National Organization of Human Service Education.

The following CSSS competency areas are guidelines for learning in the Human Services Certificate program:

Competency Area 1: Participant Empowerment
The competent community support human service practitioner (CSHSP) enhances the ability of the participant to lead a self-determining life by providing the support and information necessary to build self-esteem, and assertiveness; and to make decisions.

Competency Area 2: Communication
The competent community support human service practitioner (CSHSP) enhances the ability of the participant to lead a self-determining life by providing the support and information necessary to build self-esteem, and assertiveness; and to make decisions.

Competency Area 3: Assessment
The CSHSP should be knowledgeable about formal and informal assessment practices in order to respond to the needs, desires and interests of the participants.

Competency Area 4: Community and Service Networking
The CSHSP should be knowledgeable about the formal and informal supports available in his or her community and skilled in assisting the participant to identify and gain access to such supports.

Competency Area 5: Facilitation of Services
The CSHSP is knowledgeable about a range of participatory planning techniques and is skilled in implementing plans in a collaborative and expeditious manner.

Competency Area 6: Community Living Skills & Supports
The CSHSP has the ability to match specific supports and interventions to the unique needs of individual participants and recognizes the importance of friends, family and community relationships.

Competency Area 7: Education, Training & Self-Development
The CSHSP should be able to identify areas for self-improvement, pursue necessary educational/training resources, and share knowledge with others.

Competency Area 8: Advocacy
The CSHSP should be knowledgeable about the diverse challenges facing participants (e.g. human rights, legal, administrative and financial) and should be able to identify and use effective advocacy strategies to overcome such challenges.

Competency Area 9: Vocational, Educational & Career Support
The CSHSP should be knowledgeable about the career and education related concerns of the participant and should be able to mobilize the resources and support necessary to assist the participant to reach his or her goals.

Competency Area 10: Crisis Intervention
The CSHSP should be knowledgeable about crisis prevention, intervention and resolution techniques and should match such techniques to particular circumstances and individuals.

Competency Area 11: Organization Participation
The CSHSP is familiar with the mission and practices of the support organization and participates in the life of the organization.

Competency Area 12: Documentation
The CSHSP is aware of the requirements for documentation in his or her organization and is able to manage these requirements efficiently.