
Radio and Podcasting

This certificate is not only for the traditional student interested in broadcasting/podcasting but the working individual who wants to add additional skills to their resume to enhance their media and marketing skills.

Learn more about the program and apply at Radio and Podcasting Certificate


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Career Outlook

With the nationwide explosion in podcast listenership and Massachusetts’ place as the tenth largest radio market in the country, students who complete the certificate in radio broadcasting and podcasting have a wide-range of employment opportunities open to them. Students gain experience in radio broadcasting, production, and station management and creation of podcasts and video/social media content. Students learn skills employers want including Adobe Audition, digital editing, video presentation, producing, management, and marketing of media. According to O*Net, jobs in media and communication are growing at a faster than average pace. There are over 200 radio stations and 68 television stations plus numerous cable, print, and multimedia corporations all within driving distance from campus.  

This occupational profile is provided by O*NET.