Associate in Arts

Visual Arts Concentration

The Visual Arts concentration provides necessary fundamental courses resulting in a quality portfolio of artwork ready for transfer. The Visual Arts concentration provides transfer opportunities within the Massachusetts Public Higher Education system and articulates precisely with the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth Fine Arts 2D Painting or 3D Sculpture programs. 

Students who are matriculated and place into developmental math and/or English are required to begin the course sequence in the first semester. Please see an advisor with questions.

Learn more about the program and apply at Associate in Arts - Visual Arts

Third Semester

Item #
Behavioral & Social Sciences  +
ART Elective or COM131  +
Sub-Total Credits

Fourth Semester

Item #
Behavioral & Social Sciences  +
Behavioral & Social Sciences  +
Sub-Total Credits
Total Credits
Transfer Information
Career Outlook

Careers in the Visual Arts are constantly changing but could include electronic imaging, graphic design, illustration, teaching, museum and gallery work, display, advertising, and industrial design, as well as the areas of painting, printmaking, sculpture and performance art. It is recommended that students complete this concentration and transfer to complete a bachelor's degree.

This occupational profile is provided by O*NET.

See also: What can I do with this major?

Note: The Associate in Arts degree does not indicate a specialized degree in a concentration. Students who complete this concentration will satisfy the requirements of MassTransfer. For additional information pertaining to degree requirements, please refer to Degree Requirements.

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