Assessment Statement

In keeping with Cape Cod Community College's commitment to excellent educational experiences and high-quality programs for its students, and consistent with practices at other institutions within the state and nationally, Cape Cod Community College routinely engages in the assessment of student learning at the course, program, institution, and system levels. The learning outcomes assessment process may include a variety of methods such as standardized tests, student survey and focus groups, campus development instruments, and a review of student course and co-curricular work. In circumstances beyond the individual course level, the identity of the student will be  protected. The student's name, grade or other identifying information will be removed before the student work is reviewed. Selected student work may be subject to review by a limited cohort of higher educational personnel, primarily faculty. Assessment of student learning is undertaken primarily for the purpose of improving student learning, curriculum development, instructional improvement, and enhancing student academic success. Assessment activities will have absolutely no effect on a student's grade, academic standing, ability to transfer, or ability to be graduated. Cape Cod Community College will take all necessary steps to ensure the confidentiality of all student records and student  work reviewed through this process in accordance with FERPA regulations. (Approved by College Meeting October 20, 2014)